Sunday, July 22, 2007

Book Review: Fighting For Air: The Battle To Control America's Media

We thought that one of the best ways to kick off our first book review segment would be to take a look at Eric Klinenberg's "Fighting For Air." This book really clears up just how we got into the consolidated media world that we live in, and offers some suggestions about what we can do about it. Simply put, the more "corporatized" our media world becomes, the less likely we are to hear alternative viewpoints like the ones still heard on Democracy Now!; original, thought-provoking music; or even new authors of books.

Will this be the week that Rupert Murdoch acquires the Wall Street Journal, effectively silencing yet another journalistic voice? We shall see. In the meantime, here's Amy Goodman on Klinenberg's excellent book:

"Fighting for Air is a richly detailed, compelling, and timely investigation into the problem of the U.S. media and what people are doing to take it back....This book is a call to action to fight for a strong, vigorous, independent media." Amy Goodman, host and executive producer of Democracy Now!

P.S. If you would like to order this book, consider ordering it from an independent bookstore. Here are two in Boone: Espresso News & Black Bear Books
(828) 264-4636. Thanks!!

Friday, July 20, 2007


Welcome to DemocracyNow! High Country. We are delighted to have you as a new member.

Over the next several days and weeks, we will be making announcements about DemocracyNow! High Country events. We hope that you and your friends and family will be able to participate!

Here are some of the types of activities we are planning:

  • Free movies covering important issues which have been significantly underreported by the mainstream corporate media
  • Notification via email of progressive events taking place throughout the High Country region
  • Discussion groups focusing on the impact of media consolidation
  • Networking options for High Country progressives
  • Support for DemocracyNow! and 89.5 WETS-FM
  • Discussions concerning the importance of “buying locally,” and focusing on local businesses who practice “fair trade”
  • Fun family outings which will help bring our community together
  • Monthly progressive book reviews

Thanks again for signing up. Feel free to email us at anytime.

P.S. Your suggestions will be invaluable to DemocracyNow! High Country. We need everyone’s input in order to make this work.


The DemocracyNow!-High Country Team