Sunday, January 13, 2008

Book Review: Loyal To The Sky

Every once and awhile you can't help but get bogged down--especially when you're working for change, whatever your cause is. We heard author Marisa Handler interviewed on New Dimensions (a radio program you can catch on WPVM & WETS), and thought she had some wonderful words of wisdom to share about being an activist--and what it is that keeps her going. At age 30, she's got a lot of insight to share. Here are some reviews of her book called "Loyal to the Sky":

"Marisa Handler takes a brutally honest look at herself, the activist community, and the world. She writes with wit and beauty, preaches with passion and love. Loyal to the Sky is an affirmation that mortal humans, with all our foibles, can be powerful agents for change."
--Medea Benjamin, Cofounder, Global Exchange and CODEPINK

"Handler captures in this book the most hopeful energies of her generation and will excite anyone who hopes for a post-Bush world of peace and justice. Insightful and charming, spiritually rich and emotionally honest, Handler's writing shows that tikkun olam, the healing of the world, is not some outdated fantasy but an ever-present possibility."
--Rabbi Michael Lerner, Editor, Tikkun, and author of The Left Hand of God: Taking Back our Country from the Religious Right

Here is Marisa's website.

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