Saturday, April 26, 2008

Weekend Video Salon: The Sound of Crickets Chirping

Almost every mainstream television news organization (and some newspapers) retained military "analysts" to provide perspective to viewers in the runup to the Iraq war and beyond. Even though it has been revealed that these "analysts" were really nothing more than propagandists paid by the Pentagon to promote the war, there has been no reaction by these news organizations as to why they hired these "analysts". In this video, PBS tries to find out why the mainstream media silence has been so deafening.

P.S. Bob Zelnick, seen is this video, is ABC's former Pentagon reporter. He is also Chair of Boston University's Journalism Department. Know what else? He's also affiliated with the very conservative Hoover's that for liberal media bias? And the Pentagon propaganda program has allegedly been temporarily stopped.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Huffington Post -

"Even Media Matters, who ran today's impressive item tracking the 4,500 appearances of the named military analysts notes at the bottom that "in conducting this study, Media Matters did not assess whether individual instances of commentary -- or the analysts themselves -- were supportive of administration policy." That's because all of this takes time, and care, and individual attention — the bare-minimum required when questioning someone's reputation and motives. The NYT and Barstow produced an impressive and important piece of investigative journalism, but they failed to reach this standard in many of the analysts cited."


Maybe you should change your site's name to "Allegations Now!"