Monday, October 6, 2008


How many times have you heard the all right wing line up of syndicated talkers carried by Aisling Broadcasting in Boone blame the "liberal media" for everything from hurricanes to AIDS to the current economic crisis?

For the folks who really, deeply believe that the mainstream media in this country is liberal--think about this statement:

The mainstream media are only as liberal as their corporate owners.

Example: General Electric owns NBC. When was the last time you saw a negative report about GE on NBC News (or any other network, for that matter)?

With this example in mind, let's take a look at how McCain's proposed tax cuts would benefit the mainstream "liberal media" outlets so derided by the right (see chart above).

And this, from the Center for American Progress:
The multinational corporations that run the mainstream media — GE (NBC), Time Warner (CNN), Walt Disney (ABC), News Corporation (FOX), and Viacom (CBS) — stand to benefit hugely under a McCain presidency. The centerpiece of Sen. McCain’s economic plan — actually, the whole plan — is large tax cuts for corporations. It would deliver $1.44 billion in tax cuts to the five largest media companies, according to an analysis by the Center for American Progress Action Fund.
Explains a lot doesn't it? They're only as liberal as their corporate masters. Who do you think the mainstream "liberal media" are rooting for in this election?


Anonymous said...

Ailsing Broadcasting = General Electric??


You have the funniest site on the net! Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

aisling is a monopoly--only conservatives are allowed to air their opinions on aisling's stations.

i think that is what the post was about. having a lock on all broadcasting outlets is not healthy for a democracy.

Anonymous said...

The mainstream media in our country is loyal to one thing, and one thing only--and that is PROFIT. That is the duty of the corporation.

Their duty to profit only undermines our democracy, because making a profit does not guarantee a well-informed citizenry--which is the cornerstone of a democratic republic.

Keep up the great work on these posts, most of us out here get what you are saying.