Saturday, February 7, 2009

Tragically Hip

As one of our DNHC'ers huffed and puffed her way through her morning workout today, she noticed that CNN was airing (around 10:15 am High Country time) a story touting the Republican National Committee's "hip new direction" being charted by Michael Steele, the new RNC Chairman. Since most conservatives would gladly tell you that a person's past is the best way to predict their future behavior, let's take a look Mr. Steele's past--shall we?:
In 2006, Limbaugh said he had a high level of "respect" for Steele. Robert Novak has also written that Steele could be a "black Rush Limbaugh."
In 2001, the Maryland Gazette reported that Michael Steele said, "Unless you're gay, you could care less about gay rights. Unless you're a homosexual or a lesbian, it's not going to rise up on your radar screen." [8/8/01]
Steele compared stem cell research to Nazi experiments during the Holocaust.
Steele defended former Gov. Bob Ehrlich’s decision to hold a $100,000 fundraiser at a country club that did not allow non-white members, saying that the club’s membership’s policies were “not an issue” because “I don’t play golf.”
Well, then. Now that's some hipness. Our intrepid DNHC'er did not hear any of these items mentioned during the CNN report. How strange...

Links here and here.


Unknown said...

Well based on that line of thinking he would care about Uncle Tom's rights since he is an Uncle Tom

Anonymous said...

what a classic! now he's on the hot seat for taking illegal donations--or's getting hard to keep track!

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