Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Foxy Torture

Pro-torture types get the smack down:

You support the troops, right? Just like these patriots, who faced down the very real threat of our country's total destruction--without resorting to the torture of our enemies:
George Washington, in the winter of 1776, sent a written order to officers overseeing prisoners: “Treat them with humanity.” And in 1863, at another time of crisis, Abraham Lincoln included the prohibition of torture in the first American codification of the laws of war, which he also issued as a direct order to his field commanders.

But "24" sure is sexy isn't it? Is that your brand of patriotism? So macho.


Anonymous said...

The Japanese were convicted of torturing at Nuremberg: for water boarding.

Now Fox wants us to get a pass? For doing the exact same thing?

Thank god I can tune in to High Country Radio and be told how to think the right way.

Anonymous said...

this is what happens when you elect chickenhawks--bush, and cheney

Anonymous said...

All Lincoln did was launch a war without the consent of Congress, suspend habeas corpus, shut down over 300 opposition newspapers, imprison tens of thousands of Northern political opponents, including numerous newspaper editors and owners, deport an outspoken Democratic congressman, Clement Vallandigham of Ohio, censor the telegraph, confiscate private property, confiscate firearms in the border states, imprison duly elected members of the Maryland legislature, the mayor of Baltimore, and Congressman Henry May of Baltimore, instruct soldiers to rig Northern elections, and generally ignore all constitutional restrictions on executive powers.

Then again, no waterboarding, so he wasn't that bad.

Anonymous said...

re: japanese and waterboarding

that's all they did was waterboarding, right? nothing else. just waterboarding. no other charges. no other techniques. just waterboarding. cite a conviction with all charges listed. till then, stfu.