Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Hate Radio Contributes To Domestic Terrorism

It's time to call it like it is. Hate radio is directly hurting this country, and the local stations which carry this sort of programming need to do some very hard thinking.

Because, as shown by today's shootings at the Holocaust Museum in Washington--hate radio jocks are clearly ginning up the hate. With tragic results.

One of Rush Limbaugh's favorite conspiracy theories revolves around the ridiculous idea that Obama is somehow not an American. And just today, Limbaugh ripped Obama for daring to remember the horrors of the Buchenwald Nazi death camp.

Care to take a guess as to who out there shares Rush's views? Why, James W. von Brunn--the same guy who shot up the Holocaust Museum today. Need some proof?

Some more? Listen to Rush's clip about Obama's birth certificate, and then read this, from TPM:
The following Web postings and articles appear online under the name of James W. von Brunn, the reported suspect in the Holocaust Museum shooting today. TPM cannot independently verify that the postings were written by James von Brunn.

--Brunn: 'Obama Is Missing'

Obama has lived for 48 years without leaving any footprints -- none! There is no Obama documentation -- no records -- no paper trail -- none -- this is no accident. It is being done on purpose with Media help - but to serve whom & why???
By broadcasting this kind of hate speech, hate radio can provide just the rationale people like von Brunn need to do their work.

Why would any local radio station which claims to be community-minded broadcast suff like this? Hate radio is contributing to domestic terrorism.

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