Monday, July 27, 2009

Rendered Pork

It will be interesting to see if any other rendition-related flights from North Carolina come to light:
Large parts of the CIA’s “extraordinary rendition” program — which sent terrorist suspects to countries and prisons where they would be tortured — could soon become public, thanks to a lawsuit in Britain on behalf of a person who claims he was a victim of the agency’s program.
There has already been a fair amount of coverage of rendition flights occurring at Kinston, NC (the Global Transpark).
The Kinston site houses Aero’s Boeing 737 business jet which plane spotters and flight logs have linked to many of the “extraordinary rendition” flights that have delivered suspects to various detention centers, including U.S. secret prisons in Europe.
Three of these Aero pilots live in Johnston County. Their identities were made clear by Los Angeles Times investigation and verified by investigation of the NC-based Institute of Southern Studies. So, with today’s action, NC Stop Torture Now has continued the collective exposé of extraordinary rendition and our state’s complicity. Today’s witness follows our letters to Aero and Global TransPark leaders, to NC legislators, to the Governor, to the state SBI, and to the Attorney General, asking for a NC SBI inquiry into Aero’s documented criminal actions. At this point, the investigation sits with the Charlotte office of the FBI. Attorney General Roy Cooper sent our files about Aero to the FBI after 22 NC legislators asked him to have SBI look into Aero’s legal violations.

The activists also note that Aero’s rent to Global Transpark (GTP) is just $.05 a square foot. Since Aero leases five acres—218,000 square feet—it’s just $10,890 a year. Moreover, since GTP gave Aero a credit for the $60,000 the company spent to “upfit” its hangar, Aero will park free for over five years. Someone is footing the bill, the activists argue, and that someone is the taxpayer.

Aero’s planes stop first at Dulles or at CIA facilities in Virginia to pick up flight plans, then fly to Ireland to refuel, and from there to countries such as Britain, Italy, Sweden, Pakistan, Germany, Bosnia, Macedonia, Morocco and Turkey to collect the suspects. On the final lap, they deliver the human cargo for interrogation to countries such as Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Afghanistan and until last year, Uzbekistan—all cited in U.S. State Department reports as having unclean hands when it comes to human rights.


Think they'll give the prisoners some good 'ol North Carolina Bar-B-Que en route to their FINAL destination? You know, kinda like a little care package?

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