Tuesday, September 15, 2009

He Is Heavy...He's Our Birther

Seems like every time we're in an airport, we can't get away from this guy. Yes, CNN's Lou Dobbs--the man who used to bill himself as "Mr. Independent"--has taken a hard turn to the right. He hangs out with known hate groups, demonizes minorities, and lends credence to whacked-out conspiracy theories.

But now, the pushback:

For years, Lou Dobbs has been one of the most dangerous hosts on cable news. He benefits enormously from the legitimacy of the CNN brand, which provides him with an unparalleled platform from which to mainstream the hate speech and racially charged conspiracy theories normally relegated to Fox News and other conservative news outlets

If CNN won't drop Dobbs, it's time that his advertisers did. It's time to do more than simply highlight the damage Dobbs does and the threat he poses. We must demand accountability from the advertisers who, by their purchase of airtime on his shows, actively support his hate speech.

Today, 11 organizations, including America's Voice, National Council of La Raza, the Southern Poverty Law Center, and many others, joined together to launch the Drop Dobbs campaign and DropDobbs.com. The effort aims to let companies know that their continued financial support of CNN's Lou Dobbs Tonight makes them complicit in the hate speech and wild conspiracy theories that he promotes.


62 companies have already dropped Glenn Beck. Time for round two.

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