Saturday, December 15, 2007

Weekend Video Salon: Inconvenienced Corporate Media

We heard that the local wealthy representative of Jones Media (the wealthy out-of-state corporation that owns almost all of the newspapers in our area) was inconvenienced by having to follow some government regulations the other day. He felt compelled to write a column about his difficulties--about how government stands in the way of corporate "do-gooders".

His column is a perfect example of how (on so many different levels) big, corporate media must tell its own story--not the stories of the ordinary folks that they claim to serve. According to his column, we should somehow be concerned that a big corporation had to jump through some hoops to do some construction. This is passed off as somehow being relevant to regular folks.

We searched for this weekend's video salon with this column in mind. When big corporate media ponders its own irrelevance (do they ever?) they should do so with this video in mind.

Because this video says everything about the people that have had enough with the self-serving, irrelevant media of today--and what they are doing to take it back.

Looks like they're pretty energetic (not to mentioned having desirable demographics). One would think that big media would want these kinds of folks buying their newspapers--don't hold your breath.

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