Thursday, April 10, 2008

WATA 1450 AM

Tune in to the Neal Boortz show tonight on 1450 WATA AM (or perhaps 1200 WXIT AM), and you'll get to listen to some good old fashioned libertarian racism. See, Boortz claims to be a libertarian (whatever that means)...but mostly he uses his show to launch into racist diatribes (more on that it a second).

But you know, the last time we listened to Boortz's show on 1450 WATA AM to see which local businesses sponsor the show--there were NO local commercials aired at all. Which seems to indicate that 1450 WATA AM is willing to air a show without having any local sponsors--essentially airing it for free. Lucky us, we get to listen to subsidized racism--on the public airwaves. To wit (from
On the April 10 edition of his nationally syndicated radio show, Neal Boortz asserted, "I would make a lousy Mexican." Engineer and "sidekick" Royal Marshall asked Boortz: "Why is that?" Boortz responded, "Well, because I wanted to scrub the hangar floor the other day, so I went and rented one of these big buffers," later adding: "I turned on that buffer, and it damn near killed me! It was dragging me across the hangar floor, throwing me around like I -- it was like a dog shaking a cat or something like that. You know, that's skilled labor."
Funny stuff. We'll have to listen again to see if WATA 1450 AM is still spreading this kind of vitriol for free.

Full transcripts and audio here.

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