Monday, November 5, 2007

WXIT 1200 AM

Did you know that the FCC says that the airwaves used by radio and television stations to broadcast their signal actually belong to the public? This is the concept of the "Public Airwaves," and is the reason why radio and television stations are required by the FCC to occasionally do something that benefits the public--like some sort of public service--or maybe children's educational programming.

Say, like--Rush Limbaugh. If you were lucky today, you got to hear Rush relentlessly mocking a 13-year old Inuit girl, as she broke down in tears testifying before Congress about the impact of global warming on her Alaskan community. And you got to listen to it right here on WXIT 1200 AM!

The girl was upset about losing her entire way of life to global warming, she broke down, and Rush just had to make fun of her. Take a listen for yourself, and then give WXIT 1200 AM a call to let then know that you expect them to do more to promote public service--as opposed to airing shows that purposely hurt kids who are genuinely frightened.

NewsTalk 1200 WXIT
738 Blowing Rock Road
Boone, NC 28607
(828) 264-8255 Local
(828) 264-2412 Fax

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