Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Blackwater: Carolina Blue?

B-b-b-but it's all about economic development isn't it? Sure we may have misunderinterpretated those complicated City permits that we had to fill out in order to build our shiny new armed camp. But please--we weren't trying to hide nuthin'. Nuthin' 'tall. From signonsandiego.com:

San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders wants to know whether Blackwater Worldwide misrepresented itself when it sought city permits to set up an indoor military training facility in Otay Mesa.


Yesterday, Sanders sent a memo to the city's chief operating officer, Jay Goldstone, asking for an investigation into the company's permits with a report by May 23.

“Questions have been raised as to the appropriateness of this location for the uses planned by Blackwater and the means used by the company to acquire the necessary permits from the City,” the memo said.

“Specifically, allegations have been made that the company potentially used misleading names . . . to inappropriately disguise the true identity of the occupant.”


In March, San Diego's Development Services Department granted the permits for interior improvements at the Otay Mesa facility without public hearings. The site was zoned for a vocational school, and city staff members decided that Blackwater's training of Navy personnel qualified.


Blackwater, a North Carolina company, has leased a 61,600-square-foot building in a business park on Siempre Viva Road, three blocks from the U.S.-Mexico border...

We can just see Blackwater petitioning the City to allow their lil' military camp as a conditional use in the vocational school zone! Gosh, where will poor Blackwater locate? Perhaps to a town near you with NO ZONING?

Full article here.

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