Saturday, May 10, 2008

The End Of MTN?

We're sure that by now you've heard that MTN, the Mountain Television Network has been offered for sale on eBay. MTN is referred to as a low-power TV station, or LPTV. But what may be even more interesting is the fact that a federal appeals court has rejected the request made by a large group of LPTV owners to require government-subsidized digital TV converters to carry their transmissions. From the AP:
The industry contends it is facing a "death sentence" because of a flaw in the government's plan to force broadcasters to shift to digital broadcasting.
As of Feb. 18, 2009, all full-power television stations in the U.S. are required to stop broadcasting an analog signal.
The problem facing the 2,600 low-power television stations represented by the association is that they are not subject to the deadline. Most of the converter boxes now on sale will actually block the low-power analog signal from those stations, while the full-power digital signals will display normally.
Here's the upshot: Unless this ruling somehow is reversed, you will not be able to watch MTN over the air--and the community will lose yet another local media outlet--come February 19th 2009. In an era already noted for its hyper media consolidation, this is the last thing the High Country needs.

If you're not familiar with LPTV, click here to find out a little more--and where these stations are located throughout NC.

Full AP story here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let's hope Charter continues to carry MTN, otherwise there won't be any way way to watch them over the air.