Friday, June 13, 2008

Aisling Spreads The Truth-NOT!

You can tune in to almost any of the hate radio programming airing daily on Aisling Broadcasting's stations in the High Country and catch the latest smear about Michelle Obama. It seems that this week's falsehood revolves around Ms. Obama supposedly yelling "whitey!" at a church, and that there's video out there to prove it.

If Aisling carried even one talk show program that did not lean hard right, you might have been able to find out that the whole thing was a complete sham. But no, Aisling presents only one side of the story. So the average Aisling listener ends the day thinking that the whole "whitey" thing must be true. I mean heck--there's even a video out there on the intergoogles, right? Rush said so!

Wrong. Have you ever listened to the Thom Hartmann radio program? Of course not--no one carries the program up here. But here's a clip you might be interested in, from today's show:

People feel differently? You mean Rush totally made up all that stuff about Ms. Obama? Huh.

Update: To the extent that Aisling's stable of right wing on-air crazies actively send out messages promoting the acceptability of committing acts of violence against those who they disagree with (including potential future Presidents), you may be interested in this post as well.


Anonymous said...

So in the context of complaining about 'attacks' on Obama's wife, some radio host and a caller verbally 'attack' the wife of John McCain.

They refer to her as a Stepford wife, insinuating that 'real' women like Michelle Obama take stands and speak out. Yet apparently no one is allowed to respond when such 'strong' women step into the debate. They're just too delicate.

Sounds like a wonderfully weak radio show.

Anonymous said...

seems like the point of the post is that opposing viewpoints cannot find a voice on local radio. one would almost think that there are no opposing viewpoints, simply because aisling never airs them. why is the other half of the debate not allowed to be heard locally?

Anonymous said...

tee hee. in reference to the "wonderfully weak" comment by respondent number one:

“Putting a liberal host on opposite Rush Limbaugh's show is great for our market, and really allows us to cover the entire political spectrum. If we're starting a national trend here at Clear Channel in Grand Rapids, I'm proud it started here.”
- Phil Tower, WTKG, Clear Channel in Grand Rapids, MI

"Thom's program is my favorite show: educational and fun. And advertisers are going out of their way to get in touch with us since we put on the Thom Hartmann Program!"
- Tom Sebourn, KGOE, Eureka, CA

"We picked up the Thom Hartmann Program to offer balance to our lineup, and to reach out to the many people who vote Democratic. He’s done a great job of presenting his ‘radical middle’ viewpoint, building a listener base among Democrats and liberals, yet bringing along our conservative listeners who also listen and call in to his show."
- Nancy Engel, Partner, WINI, Carbondale IL

"With 1.7 million users, the Thom Hartmann show is one of our most highly rated programs. He regularly loads our servers to capacity and the quality of his discussions keeps them coming back for more!"
- Shelby LaPre, Station Manager

"The Thom Hartmann Show ... is liberal talk radio with a rational perspective, solid facts, and grounded in the history of America."
- Radio Ink magazine