Thursday, June 19, 2008

Go Aisling

Aisling's balanced presentation of diverse points of view continues, this time with our friend Neal Boortz, a self-proclaimed libertarian. His show airs on WXIT 1200 AM. Boortz picks up where Rush left off in his racist diatribe about the lazy blacks of New Orleans:

"[W]hy is it that the people who are being affected by the floods in Iowa and the upper Midwest, why is it that they seem to be so much more capable of taking care of themselves and handling this disaster than were the people of Katrina in New Orleans?" Boortz continued, "I think the answer's pretty clear, is that up there in that part of the country, you find a great deal of self-sufficiency. Down there in New Orleans, it was basically a parasite class totally dependent on government for their existence."

Be proud Aisling. There are no other viewpoints that you could possibly air. You know, because there aren't any progressives around here. None.

Full transcript and audio here.


Unknown said...

I am so sick of the hatred spouted by these guys. I can't wait for their GOP hearts to be broken when they are out of power for decades due to their mismangement of this country.

Anonymous said...

I hope these programs will go away too. What those hosts say is scary, like they're trying to whip up racial hatred or something. Their anger is scary.