Saturday, June 21, 2008

Self-Equip Yourself, Soldier!

It's obviously a lot more effective for the syndicated talk show hosts aired locally by Aisling Broadcasting to just keep it simple--no shades of gray, lots of "us" versus "them" rhetoric, hate speech, etc.

But if they did delve into reality-based living, what would these talk show hosts (and their listeners) learn? Lots of uncomfortable truths. Like this one: it turns out that our glorious leaders (multiple deferments, AWOL, etc.), still are not properly equipping U.S. soldiers.

How do we know this? Take a listen to this segment of the Rachel Maddow Show (another radio program that Aisling could never, ever consider airing) as she talks about the story of soldier from nearby her hometown who was recently killed in Iraq. Rachel plays an interview the soldier's father gave on their local TV station:

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